Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year Resolution

These are the challenges that we can accept to help save the environment.

Cut down on new wrapping paper. Wrap 6 of your holiday gifts in reused material like newspaper.

Individual Result

By wrapping 6 gifts with found materials, you will reduce CO2 emissions by a total of 2 lbs and save a few dollars too!

Accepted.Sorry, friends if the presents that I give u all are wrapped with newspaper or old present paper.


Do you drink bottled water? If you do, your challenge is to give it up for the next seven days.

Individual Result

You will reduce your CO2 emissions by 3 pounds this week.



Pick one day this week to leave your car at home and use another way to commute to work or school.

Individual Result

By not driving just one day this week, you will reduce your CO2 emissions by a whopping 30 lbs!

Accepted.I walked to tuition, kay.


Avoid using new grocery bags for one month. It takes a bit of planning, but we'll tell you how to do it!

Individual Result

By re-using grocery bags, you will reduce your CO2 emissions a total of 6 lbs by the end of one month.

on the way.


Unplug your computer every night for one month. Unless it's unplugged, your idle PC still uses electricity.

Individual Result

By unplugging your PC each night, you will reduce your CO2 emissions by a total of 51 lbs. for the month.

Accepted.It's as easy as pie.


Are you a meat lover? Give it a rest! Don't eat any meat for two days this week.

Individual Result

By not eating meat two days this week, you will reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by 13.2 lbs.

Accepted.2 days means 6 meals.i can survive without eating vegetables only 6 times a week.


Knock 2 minutes off your daily shower time. Use a timer to stay honest!

Individual Result

Reducing your shower from 8 minutes to 6 for one month will reduce your CO2 emissions by a total of 15.3 lbs.



Hit pay-dirt! For the next three months, compost your kitchen waste and yard clippings.

Individual Result

Composting part of your daily garbage will reduce methane emissions equal to 30 lbs of CO2 each month.

On the progress.


Soft-drinkers, join a thirst revolution! Bag the bottles and make your own drinks for the next month.

Individual Result

Avoiding bottled soda, tea, and sports drinks will reduce your CO2 emissions by 25.7 lbs for the month.



Do you pack your lunch? We challenge you to make every day a waste-free lunch day. We'll show you how.

Individual Result

By packing waste-free lunches for one month, you will reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by 44.6 lbs.


red wine+ soda vanilla water

I had attended a wedding in a rstaurant called The Imperial in Tmn Klang Jaya.It was not bad but it might somehow get quite boring after waiting for a few hours just for the food to be served.Sister tried something new but amusing today.She mixed red wine with soda water. This method might be a bit lame and outdated but the outcome was not so bad.The mixture or so called 'the fusion' of red wine and soda was quite nice.The alcohol content of red wine was quite high, right?AfterI glugged down a few cup, my vision was suddenly clear and everything around me was eye piercingly bright.Ok, back to the topic!!

The bride was beautiful.Her dress clutched tightly to her curvy body and her makeup suited her perfectly.
She was the bride after all, she was supposed to be the belle of this wedding, the epitome of the entire occasion.Everyone were soaked in the jovial atmosphere and some were all busy chattering among their relatives.Some of the guests were busy observing the others and taking in everyone's face and wondering who they were.For me, I was just busy looking forward the next dish to be served and feasted on the delish food as much as I could.We reached home quite late.After chatting for a while, I just hurled myself to my bed and have my beauty sleep for the next 8 hours.

goodbye to you

Jing wen said I sounded so emo by putting this pm.I had no idea why I put this on.I think it means a farewell to someone.Jing wen, thanks for your support. I am very happy to have you as my friend...

The Spirits of Love

This show had been broadcasting for 3 years.3 frigging YEARS.ok, today, i had watched the last episode of this hokkien drama, which was broadcasted on Astro AEC.The last episode was episode 872.800 over frigging episodes and my father had watched the show everyday without failed.ok, sometimes he might missed a few episodes but most of the time, he will be home at 6 o clock sharp, sitting in front of the idiot box and have his popping eyes glued to the screen.Me, on the other hand, will be at the second floor, listening to every syllables of the theme song broadcasted at the beginning of the show.

Today, a wave of relief washed over me.It was like the finale.Eventually, the freakingly long drama ends with such a happy yet absurb ending.Nevertheless, the happy ending never failed to cheer me up.Those who watched The spirits of love might understand what I mean.Shu wen, you watched finish much earlier than me, thanks for letting me know some fragments of the ending.More than 10 main characters died, by the way.okla, not many people know this show except for avid hokkien drama viewers.I guess i have to stop now, nites.
The last day of 2008.

I had just watched the movie 'bedtime story'.It was hilarious.I couldn't help laughing my b***off.I won't comment much about it.I have no cricticism to voice out for this particular movie.It is downright humourous and it is suitable for everyone, ranging from kids to teenager to adults.

This movie is the last movie of 2008, I guess.After I came back from Aeon, I had the longest nap.I don't know whether how long the siesta took but I remembered vividly that after I woke up, i was so energetic yet a bit too overwhelmed.My last day of 2008 was kinda boring.With no countdown.However, I had pasta and hot chocolate for dinner.This last meal of 2008 was heavenly.Now, I am just waiting for time to pass slowly so that i can have my own sweet time blogging and talking rubbish and of course, enjoying myself.

I reread Gossip Girl.After such a long time i didn't touch it, I still found gossip girl nice.Guess who acts as Adam Sandler's sister in Bedtime story..It is Courtney Cox.I love her alot.She acted in Friends and Friends is like the funniest comedy I ever watched.

clean the living room

I came back from exercising,feeling exhausted and sleepy.It was like 8 at night.How could I sleep so early.It was like a taboo of sleeping early.Sleeping late has been the teenager's culture.Nowadays, I never see any teenagers out there sleep early.

I tried to get rid of the sleepiness.So, I went cleaning out the living room.I polished(jst wipe nia) the trophies that were arranged inside the glass cabinet.They were all old, dusty , and unwanted.Honestly, 90 percent of the trophies were from Simpang Lima.90 percent out of the simpang lime trophies were belonged to my sister and brother.It was undoubtedly they were bright student even when they were in primary school.They were born to be intelligent, I guess.

Clearing the living's room table had took up 45 minutes of my precious time.But then, I was satisfied to see an immaculate table with no paperstack and stupid things piling on it.Dad thanked me for doing so.He quipped that he can play poker card with ease next time.I just wasted 1 and a half hour cleaning the table and the trophies,For godsake, it was just a freaking table and a whole bunch of insignificant trophies.However, I was satisfied because I felt that i had at least contribute something to this family.I had also make a difference to the living room.The table will not be cluttered and stacked with stuffs anymore.I think I can sleep soundly tonight.

ps:Sleep is the most crucial process in our life.Lack of sleep can make us groggy, restless, and feeling like being punched in the face.We will get irritated even at the smallest provocation.So, sleep sufficiently if we can.

The most hilarious karangan

I read out loud this 'karangan' to my brother this evening.My brother chuckled and laughed like mad man.I hope you all will like it.As cliche as it might sound, LAUGHTeR is always the best medicine.

Karangan Terbaik UPSR 2007
Karangan budak darjah 4
Pagi itu pagi minggu. Cuaca cukup sejuk sehingga mencapai takat suhu beku. Sebab itu saya tidak mandi pagi sebab air kolah jadi air batu dan air paip tidak mahu keluar sebab beku di dalam batang paip. Pagi itu saya bersarapan dengan keluarga di dalam unggun api kerana tidak tahan sejuk. Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya menemaninya ke pasar. Tetapi saya tidak mahu.

Selepas emak menikam perut saya berkali-kali dengan garfu barulah saya bersetuju untuk mengikutnya. Kami berjalan sejauh 120 kilometer kerana pasar itu letaknya 128 kilometer dari rumah. Lagi 8 kilometer nak sampai pasar saya ternampak sebuah lori kontena meluru dengan laju dari arah belakang.

Dia melanggar emak saya. Emak saya tercampak ke dalam gaung. Dia menjerit “Adoi!”. Lepas itu emak saya naik semula dan mengejar lori tersebut. Saya pun turut berlari di belakang emak saya kerana takut emak saya melanggar lori itu pula. Pemandu lori itu nampak kami mengejarnya. Dia pun memecut lebih laju iaitu sama dengan kelajuan cahaya. Kami pula terpaksa mengejar dengan lebih laju iaitu sama dengan dua kali ganda kelajuan cahaya. Emak saya dapat menerajang tayar depan lori itu. Lori itu terbabas dan melanggar pembahagi jalan lalu bertembung dengan sebuah feri. Feri itu terbelah dua.

Penumpang feri itu yang seramai 100 orang semuanya mati. Pemandu feri itu sangat marah. Dia pun bertukar menjadi Ultraman dan memfire pemandu lori. Pemandu lori menekan butang khas di dalam lori dia..lori itu bertukar menjadi robot Transformer. Mereka bergaduh di udara. Emak saya tidak puas hati. Dia pun terus menyewa sebuah helikopter di Genting
Highlands dan terus ke tempat kemalangan. Dia melanggar pemandu feri yang telah bertukar menjadi Ultraman itu.

Pemandu feri itu terkejut dan terus bertukar menjadi pemandu feri semula lalu terhempas ke jalanraya. Pemandu feri itu pecah. Pemandu lori sangat takut melihat kejadian itu. Dia meminta maaf dari emak saya. Dia menghulurkan tangan ingin bersalam. Tetapi emak saya masih marah. Dia menyendengkan helikopternya dan mengerat tangan pemandu lori itu dengan kipas helikopter. Pemandu lori itu menjerit “Adoi..!” dan jatuh ke bumi. Emak say menghantar helikopter itu ke Genting Highlands. Bila dia balik ke tempat kejadian, dia terus memukul pemandu lori itu dengan beg tangannya sambil memarahi pemandu lori itu di dalam bahasa Inggeris.

Pemandu lori itu tidak dapat menjawab sebab emak saya cakap orang putih. Lalu pemandu lori itu mati. Tidak lama kemudian kereta polis pun sampai. Dia membuat lapuran ke ibu pejabatnya tentang kemalangan ngeri itu. Semua anggota polis di pejabat polis itu terperanjat lalu mati. Orang ramai mengerumuni tempat kejadian kerana ingin mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi. Polis yang bertugas cuba menyuraikan orang ramai lalu dia menjerit menggunakan pembesar suara. Orang ramai terperanjat dan semuanya mati.

Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya ke pasar untuk mengelak lebih ramai lagi yang akan mati. Di pasar, emak saya menceritakan kejadian itu kepada penjual daging. Penjual daging dan peniaga-peniaga berhampiran yang mendengar cerita itu semuanya terkejut dan mati. Saya dan emak saya terus berlari balik ke rumah. Kerana terlalu penat sebaik saja sampai di rumah kami pun mati. Itulah kemalangan yang paling ngeri yang pernah saya lihat sebelum saya mati.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

As you can see, I had changed my title from peace is possible to the imaginary backpacker.I yearned to be a backpacker one day.It might sounds dangerous but it has its good sides too.

Here's an account of my life today.

Woke up feeling jetlagged.Irritated with dad's lecture.Then, have a small quarrel with dad.Feeling okay afterward.Have this desire to buy seventeen magazine but quickly shunned away the thought of buying more stuffs(We just went to sunway pyramid last last friday and 1 utama last wed).Besides, the things at home are accumulating and some of them have no specific function whatsover to me.



Lian Fen said that my vocabulary is good.I must admit i had inserted a tad too much bombastic words.

I had just attended my 3rd aunt youngest son wedding buffet party on friday night.As usual, the whole family would load up tonnes of food and started attacking them like we haven't eaten for one whole week.I took way too many octopus.I hate octopus.They were so elastic that i couldn't crush them with my teeth.Then, i had to force myself to swallow them.I didn't know why I took them but it was this little voice inside my head, urging me to take as much as I could.

I was quite happy, though.I met my nephew.It was quite a long story, originating from the Liau ancestry in China until now.My father has 8 brothers and a sister.He happened to be the 8th son.Almost all my uncles have more than 8 children so u can imagine how big my family is.The great thing about today was i get to meet my the only aunt.Although I just greeted her, i could see she has this Liau family distinctive physical characteristics.Blame the gene!!

She was like the female version of the rest of the brothers.It was quite obvious that she was my only aunt.She lives in kedah now, u know.So, seeing her is like once in a blue moon.Although we couldn't have conversation and talk like how others did, we all just knew that we have this special bond.We are family, right??

Sisters, brothers and i were just hanging around there, greeting our relatives.We have like around 50 cousins and all of them have married, so it's common we could's even recognise our own blood related family.Then, I found that there is a guy who happens to attend the same account tuition like me and I saw a few times in tuition, whom i found quite good looking and ATTRACTIVE is actually my cousin's SON.We don't even know each other but we are RELATED.

I still know some my cousins, though.They all have these weird alias, anyway.However, the Liau family was too big that i guess we didn't even bother to socialise among one another.Imagine if have famiy gathering, the whole restaurant couldn't fit us in.Who's going to pay for the food, by the way??

Therefore, wedding party is considered an ideal event for get together, so sometimes, I really look forward for wedding.

I was so happy.I could see my 7th uncle and last uncle newly born infants.Babies are just adorable.They make me think of the baby army in Sekinchan(sob sob)

okla, tts all for now.

this girl

It was just a story that came up in my mind.I didn't make it up,kay.It's about this girl.Everyday, she have to work to support her poor family.She has 2 sisters whom she loves dearly . She is only 17.During the holiday, she will work as waitress in the morning until 12 in the afternoon and starting from 1, she will work as promoter in a boutique.I met this girl in our religion class.I admire her for being such a hardworking person.She never give up eventhough she have to face money crisis.I guess many people nowadays have financial problems.But, what has impressed me about her is her willingness to work hard in this young age so that she can support her family.She even brought both her sisters to genting highland using her hard earned money.She makes sure they can have some fun like other teenagers did during the holiday.Have you done all these to your siblings??I couldn't even forgive my siblings when they annoyed me.It was just a stupid quarrel anyway.I was so revengeful that I could find some way to get them, TORTURE them.

Anyway, this girl shouls be the exemplary of many teenagers nowadays.


There was a stack of presents in a body shop shopping bag at the side of sister's bed.i thought the accepter of all those beautifully wrapped presents would be r best friends, her uni friends, her church friends.I never expect she would give me a present.I was curious about the contents of the present.Sometimes, i asked myself were all these presents expensive.Sometimes, i would be angry at her.How could she waste so much money buying all these extravagant stuffs.In the end, I succumbed to the fact that she is a jpa scholar, she could use the money jpa gave her to buy all these.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Sister got me a pair shoes.It's from Ipanema.Before, I thought that she would buy diffferent presents for all her church friends and mum and dad.I didn't expect her to buy me gift, most importantly, the present that she gave me is SHOES, my favourite item in the world.Everytime,me and my family go out for shopping spree, I will not miss the opportunity to try out every shoes that I can get my eyes on.Now, I restrain myself from buying shoes because frankly, I have a lot of shoes at home. (stop with all the craps about shoes)

I was not the only one who got some unexpected christmas present.Mum got a lotion from body shop.Dad got a photo frame with our family picture in it.Little brother got a cute toothbrush holder, so that he wouldn't forget to brush his teeth.The night before, we were all in christmas spirit.We listened to carols and watched the movie, Elf.The year before, christmas wasn't such a phenomenal celebration among our family.This year was kinda different.This morning, sister brought us all to her church to listen to christmas carol.It was called the christmas carol from the Dark World.The songs were all beautifully performed.The song I love the most is 'silent night'.We listened to 'shine down, everlasting light, light of million mornings' and etc..I copied all these from the brochure given. I must admit all the songs are melodious and captivating.

Mum said that we will goin to 1 utama later.Gosh,this is the best christmas ever.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dead frog

I walked with dad at the field near our house today.While we were busy conversing and getting more absorbed into the topic, dad step on a frog. A FREAKING FROG.Frog is not freaking at all,kay.However, can you imagine a frog with the internal organs totally exposed.It was even more nauseating when i could see that the organs were starting to rot.We quickly walked away from that place.Fortunately, the frog was already dead when dad accidentally step on it.Unfortunately, the frog died in a revolting way.

a better girl

You may not see the self wallowing me any more.I have changed for a better person and I vowed not to be sad for small things.I think I have to accept that nobody is perfect and everyone has their good and bad characteristics.If we always take people's flaws seriously and never contemplate about the good deeds they have done, we will never be happy for them and for ourselves too.


Today, I went to jusco aeon to celebrate jamie's birthday.Jamie has always been my best friend since form 2.When in form 3, jamie, me and shu wen would spend our recess hanging out together.Although that time, we were not so close but starting from this year, my bond with Jamie has been strengthened over months of recess together.

I went early because i wanted to meet cherly and hang out with her.Dad fetched me there.At first, we waited patiently on the bench for half an hour because I assumed that cherly would be coming around that time.After a few messages, cherly told me that she would be having breakfast with her mother in the black canyon.

I have never been in black canyon before.I didn't even know that it exist until I meet cherly there.Cherly and I walked to the cinema to buy 8 tickets for the movie The Day The Earth Stood still.On the way there, we met a few of our schoolmates.We bumped into Law and his gang.They were hanging out at the bench near the cinama.I should have known earlier because reena has told me the day before.I acted quite foolishly in front of them.i tried to run away from them and pretend as if we never bump into them.It was quite a hilarious act.The prospect of trying to escape from them and then turn back and approach them again were stupid after all.I sounded a bit maniac but I just couldn’t help it.It was natural instinct to avoid somebody that you did not want to see, right?

After that, cherly went makan with her mum the black canyon coffee shop. I like the atmosphere there.It was so serene and the wall there was embellished with various words of encouragement.The seatings there were vast.In my opinion, it was suitable for those couples who would like to have some privacy.

I walked with cherly's mother.I enjoyed listening to her.Cherly 's mum is the most modern and understanding mother I have ever seen.She knows every friend of cherly.To be more exact, she knows everything about cherly.She was more like cherly’s best friend instead of her mother.It was so cool to have someone who listen to you attentively and give you the most incredible advice on certain matter.It was even better when the person accompany you to shopping and have wonderful judgement on your what looks perfect on you and what doesn’t.Her mum told us lots of stuffs that varied from the vacation to their relatives.One thing that I remembered vividly was cherly’s mum told me that cherly felt that I am a very good friend.i couldn’t help feeling flattered that time.This compliment really boosts me to become a better friend.

We met jing wen, lindy, siew li, Jeanette and sue jin in mcdonald.Lindy shocked me with her extremely large appetite.She ate a big prosperity burger, 2 chickens, 3 wedges if I was not mistaken, a pack of French fries and a couple cups of coke.She asked for refill several times.Lindy, jing wen and cherly were obsessed about twilight that most of our conversations were about Edward Cullen and Elizabeth and the romance that sparkled between them.I haven’t watch twilight so all the questions about twilight came from me.It was quite obvious that we were the loudest group in the mcdonald.Jamie came at around one thirty.When she walked in,we started to sing birthday song.With lindy in the group, we wouldn’t feel any embarrassment .We bought cake from lavender for her.

We watched movie after that.I went back after the movie because I got to attend my account tuition.

I gave Jamie 2 cactus that I bought from my vacation.I could see that she doesn’t like it because when I sms her to tell her on watering them.Her reply to me was she think that they are unique plants and she will make sure they won’t wilt.After that, she didn’t reply any of my message.

Jamie, I just hope that you will like them anyway.I think cactus is a strong plant.It reminds me of you.You are always a tough girl with warriorlike quality.Anyway, hope you like them.I guess I have to get another present for you.(i want my cactus back), just kidding.

That’s all for now.

change of heart

Here I am again.I have just read change of heart, a book written by jodi picoult.She is a splendid author.She is undescribable.I can't really find a way to explain her book . I am mesmerised by her gripping and thought provoking story.This is the first book of her I have read. And,to be brutally honest, after reading a few chapters of it and now I am, praising her and for god sake, exaggerating her achievements.I was supposed to sit quietly in popular for the whole day without any thought of purchasing a book.There were a whole stack of storybooks lying in my room untouched.I have convinced myself to read the forlorned books first before i embark on any new books.Books were my escapade from the uncertainties of life.

When I was sad and crying the hell out of myself, I found solitude in those books.The stories I read were mostly sad, compelling and tragic wrought type.When I read them, I found that my life wasn't so bad after all.At least, I still have infinity love from my parents.

I came a bit overboard.All these are just way too far from the actual topic.

There I was, walking around and leafing through certain book without any interest in any of them.All those fiction were just so typical.They would either beintriguing yet a tad boring suspense bestseller or those chick lits congested with self deprecating heroine with happy ending.Frankly, have you ever read about the main female character in chick lit that has devastating ending?What we will read about was that they were either loved by good looking, affluent man with uncanny ability to make them laugh or they would get rid with their past problems.These told us all problems will come to an end one day, no matter how serious they are. Past will always be the past.

I read some of the books displayed at the bargain corner.One book that caught my attention was about a mother who have to face the choice between saving her daughter by allowing the donor to live or to abide to the law by punishing the donor that murdered her another daughter.This might get a tad common but when I read first few pages, I was gripped.Jodi Picoult has this superability to thread out such a mind boggling story.Once I read it, I just wanted to savour the whole book before i continue with my routine.So, I think, tonight, I will curl up at the corner of my bed, taking in every words carefully with sparkling enthusiasm until the very last page.
I guess I have to stop now.Bye.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Hui Jan is currently rereading every book that she can lay her hand on.So, she will be extremely busy that she can't even chat online.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

spent lots of time fixing my blog.I got lots of grammatical errors to correct and lots of thing to write about.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Has some change to the blogsite..I can see some update of my close friends..gonna blog alot tomorrow..tonight too tired..chaoz


I know that I shouldn't stay awake in the midnight/morning like that.But I just has this strong urge to blog.In the morning, I have been busy with all the house stuffs and right now, everyone in my house is sleeping deeply except me. On Friday, me, shu wen, yee jia, sim li and her boyfriend jie qi went to kp to play bowling.Shu Wen wanted to have an outing because she said she was rotting at home.I guessed that we can collect her festering body anytime(jk only).So, I organised this trip to parkson.My dad fetched us thereComing along with us were my mum and sis.Mum and sis wanted to go shopping because that day was bonuslink card day.On that day, the points that were given out to the card user is 4th times more the the points given in usual purchase.Thus, mum was eager to shed some money for clothes, of course.

One of the worst thing is i didn't have idea about that day was the 1st day the bridge linked to Bkt Raja closed down for further construction of another bridge.So, starting from Hin Hua school, daddy's car slowed down gradually until he reach to a extension that he just stop his car, wait impatiently for a few minutes, then crawlfor another few seconds then stop his car again.Dad was exasperated by the car jammed.Another thing that aggravated him was the lack of moral ethics among the drivers.There was a st john ambulance siren-ing to inform us that we have to move our cars aside so that it can go sandwiched in between the vehicles to reach its destination quicker.But then, quite a lot of cars just followed the ambulance along the road that others drivers have set off for it.How can they exploit the ambulance car, it's more like that they were actually exploiting the patients lying injured inside the ambulance, enduring the devastating pain.The patient didn't know there were a whole bunch of cars have been using him/her to fullfill their own benefits, while other cars waited like cold fish, cursing and gnashing their teeth, seeing such thing was so common in this country.These people has forgot the meaning of driving etiquette.Those cars just cut other cars, making us slower than usual.Daddy was unhappy that day.Thank goodness that we talked in the car so that the atmosphere wasn't so grim and awkward.After ONE and HALF hour, we reached there.Jie Qi fetched sim li and yee jia.That day,he looked darker than usual, maybe it was my imagination.But clearly, the carjammed was really dreadful.

In the bowling alley, we went to the person who worked there.I with my usual blatantness, asked about the price although it was already stated on the notice board.When the worker opened his mouth and uttered a few words, I could not understand his words, what I heard was only RM 10.That left me clueless.This was my conversation with him

Him: mumbling, !@#$%%^&$%^&*
Me: Huh
Him:mumbling LOUDLY, @#$%^&*
Me:Huh( with a blur expression)
Him:getting agitated, still mumbling
Me:Press on the counter table, elevate my heels, with the most shocking expression, hurled my body to the front, and uttered the word, HUH??

Luckily, sw came to rescue and told me she can hear his words. She told me about the the price of the game and unfortunately, we have to wait for the bowling lane to open.Yee Jia and Sim Li didn't bring socks so sl has to borrow it from sis.YJ have to buy socks.We went to the children toy department and played with the teddy bears, toys and BARBIE DOLLS there.We went gaga that Barbie nowadays can even sing if we pressed on the button on its tiara or whatsover.So, sl and yj pressed on most of the button.We couldn't get the lyrics of the barbie.Apparently, the promoter there was so upset and told us from the side not to play with the toys. As if we cared:).

Each of us played one round.It was quite fun, after not playing for 1 year plus.Yee Jia was good player, lol..Me and shu wen went back at around 2 because sis has to go to bank.Jason came to meet her today but it's only for a while.He took bus to here just to accompany her but after not even half an hour, I told her that we have to go.She had no choice but to come with me.Sorry, sw.

Mum and dad bought their CNY clothes there.Oh, I didn't go KP for such a long time.When I entered that place, a wave of nostalgia rushed back to me.I miss the mcdonald there, the speedy at the opposite of mcdonald and the eerie parking area(Lol)

Reached home at around 3, after dance lesson.This outing was not bad after all(minus the jammed)
45 words


Saturday, December 13, 2008

found my spirituality

I had just attended a religion ceremony.It was held in Teo Chew Association.It was held to celebrate our graduation from the religion classes that we had to attend every friday night.It was quite nice listening to the speaker talked about religion and hospitability and all that.I am going to attend the class for the second year next year.Arrgh, after all these years, I guess I have spent a lot of time there.However, I never regret every single lesson that the speaker imparted to me.
He folded the clothes tenderly and with intense concentration.It may sounds bizarre because how can he concentrate on folding clothes as if its a very tedious work for him.But, its real that folding clothes is the routine of his life and he derived satisfaction from it.People called him Ah Hing.Since small, he has this fair complexion, small eyes, flat face and button nose that distinguish him from others.He has this innocent smile that can't help to melt people's heart away.Some people may have taken his smile as a mischievous grin.Sometimes when I saw him smiling at me, I can't help wondering whether he has this big plan that he is planning to trick me.

However, all these is just parts of my chaotic thoughts.He is too innocent to be suspicious of. He is considered huge size because he has bulging fats and basketball size stomach.These are the characteristics of him i kept noticing every time I visited him in kampong.My usual greeting to him is a HELLO followed by a shy smile .When he saw me, he seemed to be delighted for a few minutes.He will show me his homeworks to me, and me on the other hand, fascinated by his perseverance in writing the words in his notebook repeatedly.He told me that in his school, he learned a lot.The knowledges that the teacher imparted to him he learned by heart.However, his intelligence is so little that any new knowledge that is passed on to him seemed so alien.

After he showed his work to me, he will beam with pride.He is just so clueless that he is born with imperfection and he yearned to have a normal life like other did.My conversation with him is usually brief,mostlybecause I don't know what to talk to him and partly, I have this evil thought that talking to him is wastage of time.I am evil, right.After that, I will go back feeling sad yet happy.Feeling gloomy because how can his life being destroyed just because he happened to have this health defect called Down Syndrome.He has the intelligence of 7 or 8 years old.This also tells me that he can't fullfill the basic necessities of his life.He can't go through the experiences the most normal people took for granted.He can't sit for UPSR, PMR, and SPM that most students dreaded with misery.He loves learning new things.I can see it when he write APPLE or CAR repetitively on his worn out notebook.He can't go to university and experience the campus life.He can't get a decent job in which he is passionate about.He can't earn money and live in big house.I don't think he has the opportunities to worry about his mortgage or economy or politic.

The worst of all, he can't get married like others did.I heard mummy said before he wanted to get marry.At first, I laughed at the idea but after a while I am ashamed of myself.I wondered if he knewthat how couldn't he get married??Did he know that he is mentally retarded??He has IQ of 8 years old, kay.I quickly brushed away the thoughts.This is life after all, I reprimanded myself.

I felt happy because I have acknowledged this very important message from meeting him.Whenever I visit him, he is always busy with his house chores.Mummy said he has always been the great helper at home.He wash, dry, fold and iron the clothes.He sweep and mop the floor.Sometimes, i saw him doing some sewing.He can even cook!!

He is a contented person.He doesn't feel that is any flaws in him.He is happy with himself.He is not famished for wealth, fame and attention like people nowadays did.He has no bad perception toward others.He is just HIM.Although he might be special in his own way.Although he might not work, fall in love, tie the knots, have babies and live happy life with big family or do what others did,he succeeded to convey a strong message to all of us.

His life told us that sometimes we just have to accept our own imperfections and be contented of the good things we have.His life told us that we should be happy because we have a normal life that most people like him craved to have.

This story is fictional or real, only the creator know.

strayed dogs.

Fought with sis today.I hate going into details because the thought of it make me cringe .I have make a decision not to blog about distressing events but this post is not really gloomy.

Dad brought me and my brother go watch BOLT.Its a sudden decision, normally, if we wanted to watch movie, we will discuss about it first before we came to any decisionabout it.BOLT is suitable for the whole family to watch together because it depicts love and the courage to protect the beloved.It also portrays the loyalty and compassion our pets have toward us.So, for those that have pet, this is an ideal movie for u.We never know, maybe after watching this movie, we all might learn to appreciate our pets more and never abandon them again.Then, there will be no cases of unwanted pets or there will be no more strayed cats or dogs.

This reminded me of a whole bunch of dogs living in the forest in front of my house.Its not consider a forest but its congested with not so high trees.The foliage is quite thick that we can't see what's hidden on the other side of it.Besides, sometimes, we can catch a glimpse of monkeys suspending on the tree's trunk and moving from one tree to another.I seldom hear the irritating honking of car because my house is considered the most innermost of the neighbourhood.

Those dogs that I have mentioned earlier are low breed species.They are emaciated to the state that when they stretched their bodies, we can see their cartilage.They look like a thin statue covered with washed out rag.Some of them have spots on them.The sight of them manage to gain some sympathy and more disgust from the passerby but for the neighbourhood there, their presence has blend with the dull surrounding.They were invisible most of the time.

These dogs sought for shelter from the neighbourhood's home when there was torrential downpour.The humiliating thing about us, human, is sometimes, we will shout at those dogs so that they will quickly retreat back to the heavy rain.It's not because our heart are made of cold stone but some of us thought that the they smell awful.The smell of them make our face crinkle up with loathing.For many people, they are parts of the dirt that they never bother to lay their hand on.

Years has passed and many dogs have died yet many were born to this malicious world.Living there, waiting eagerly for scraps of leftover food are the daily routine of those dogs.Their tiny lives are unappreciated because they are UGLIER and SMELLIER than those good breeded dogs that always be pampered by their owner and have food which is much more expensive than human's food.

Anyways, they are just some filthy strayed dogs.

of career, family or both

This problem has been bugging me for a long time.I have been uncertain about the life after SPM.May be I shouldn't have think until that far but then after seeing my sis busy conducting the assignments given by the uni so that they can justify whether she is qualified to be accepted into the prestigious uni in us .It is quite a tedious work because we have to crack our brain thinking of how to write an essay that outshine the others and can impress the marker.Sis has been asking for our opinion regarding the questions that were asked by certain uni.She has been applying for uni in pennyslyvia state n others.

This led me wondered what is going to happen to me after my SPM.Will I excel in my examination and landed with a scholarship like my sis.As her younger sis, I always feel some tinge of jealousy because she can further her study in other country without wasting my parents a single penny.She is a bright student that I feel sometimes she overshadowed me.For me, she is the organised and the confident one and me, on the other hand, breakdown consistently.The term consistently means after a short while embarking on something, I might felt too overwhelmed that I don't have the intention of doing it.

My mum labelled me as 3 minutes degrees in chinese.That means that if I do anything, initially I am enthusiastic about it but after a short while, my interest in that thing will diminish that I just finish the task with average result.My sis, on the other hand sometimes is indifferent about the matter but if she is really determined about it, the outcome is always brilliant.This is the quality about her that I envied and yearned for but probably will never get.She is a strong person.I have always been the emotional person.Next year might be different for me but next year is also the most crucial year of my life.I want to get scholarship yet I don't want to.I may sound conceited to say that getting scholarship sounds easy, but to be honest, to get it, we need100 percent of hard work .'Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan' is undeniably a genuine quote, if we don't work hard for it, how can we get what we longed for.

But if I get, that also translate to I have to leave my family for a few years.As an introverted person when I was small,I sought warmth and companion from my father.I remembered vividly every night, I would go to the master bedroom and sit at father's side.I would volunteer to massage his aching shoulder.I enjoyed pressing his shoulder hard.Sometimes, he would grimace when i hit the correct place.His face creased like crumple paper(exaggerate) and his teeth was pressing hard on each other.I will ask him whether was it painful.He answered me nonchalantly that it was not painful at all.He lied.And then, after that he would tell me he felt better and his shoulder was not painful.Usually i spent one hour talking to him.Sometimes, he would tell me about his childhood memories.

When I went to camp for a few days, I will miss them and feel unright because usually everyday, i will be seeing my parents.I might be too sentimental or I have been mollycoddled by parents that being independent sounds impossible to me.How can I live in a foreign country for a few years.

Now, I am not so introverted like before, thanks to xh.He craps a lot so he tends to influence me.I am a crapper too,lol.Now, I am confused about my future, I wish to get scholarship like many other people did.But i don't want to leave my family.I want to study hard and aces in my exam but getting it means having a sheet that have infinite As on it.Ten years later, will the paper affect my career.Is it getting straight As means that my career will be a triumph.Will all these things matter.For those who want to get scholarship, this is their aspiration to study hard but for me who doesn't wish to get, why am I studying so hard for??For those who knows me well might comprehend all these words and know my dad(ahem, his age).I used of dream of him leaving me.

My friend told me it was a dream but why the dream was so significant it make me cry.I was so lost in confusion.I came to a solution, i will set a goal of getting scholarship for local uni so that I won't burden them much.I am adamant on reaching the goal.For those who read these, I just want to let u know that studying wihout purpose or studying because of kiasu-ness or finding excuses to not study are wastage of time.Everyone that get good result really strive hard for it.There are no smart people in this world, there are only hardworking people.Chaoz for now.This post is meant to be reminder.Maybe when I wanted to give up, I read this post and I will slowly regain my strength and confidence.But, these are my thoughts and I hope my friends will know and understand it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I am proud of my house.This statement does not mean that i am an egoistic person who is so enthusiastic about flattering myself and downgrade others in return.Literally, my house is not huge.It is just a small cosy house with washed-out paint and many lizards.Mouse are also the frequent visitors that have always succeeded in contaminating this already aging house.

But, in actual context, my house resembles my family, the people who never failed to cheer me out when tears are threatening to pound out from my already battering eyes.My family are also the people who provide me shelter and solace when I failed terribly in controlling my temperament emotion.Family are also the one who won't judge us in any circumstances.If we are born deaf, they accept us with their purest affection.If we are born Down Syndrome, they will love us tenderly like we are their most precious treasure.They will neither despise us nor will they abandon us.

As always, family are our flesh, the gifts that Almighty God bequethed to us.Although i can't handle my spirituality or my faith well, but the context family is the most important has always been my frequent reminder when i come across any obstacle.Indeed, without family, our life will not be complete.There will always be a big black hole in our life when they no longer exist.So, now, i urged the others to appreciate their family.Spend more time eating dinner with them.Although when eating, we might not have the chance to engage in conversation(we can't eat and talk at the same time)At least, we can feel the connection that has bound us and let us sitting around the same table, enjoying each other company

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


This post is about a person who is very important to me.He is part and parcel of my life.Without him ,I won't survive.This might sounds a bit grim but it's the fact that can never be denied.He has the largest impact on my life and his position in my heart will not change.When I am in my darkest day, he never failed to be by my side, listen to my laments and console me with all his sincerity.He has this big brown eyes that has dulled out over years of hardships.Sometimes, he looks weary and tired. Sometimes he looks mischievous yet reserved.There will be the time he will be quite a nuisance.In the end, he will always be my perfect DADdy.


no more emotional entry

Hopefully, from now on, I won't blog about how emotional I am and how frustrated I am of everything around me, I guess I have to lighten up a

mummy birthday

we ate steamboat before that, u can imagine how much we have eat.Somehow, its the best birthday I have ever celebrated.

Brother lazying after the feast.Argh I love him..

flower power

these are the flowers that my brother took on the trip.They are beautiful.I can't let
my gaze off them.

Christmas spirit

I am totally in holiday mood right now.I love the ambience inthe shopping mall where we can stroll along themain concourse and immerse ourselves in the christmas atmosphere.Last sunday is mum birthday so we all went to mid valley megamall, I have kept on telling myself not to step to shopping mall but i guess goin to shopping mall every weekend is part of the routine.I never regret that day, The christmas spirit is so there.

This is the christmas deco in the garden.Its my 1st time there.I just walked past all the expensive designer brand shops.We went into GAP and after checking out the price tags, mum said she felt hungry n we quickly escape from that place.Sis said GAP is considered cheap in USA, hopefully next christmas she will give me A GAP shirt for christmas.

Christmas deco in mid valley megamall.It has recreated the carnivall scene from the book.They have carousels and caravans as part of their decoration.
The theme is also complete with touring characters such as fancily dressed jesters and jokers, jugglers, balloon twisters and stilt-walkers.The christmas trees has all sort of hue lollipops and fancy stuffs hanging on it


These are the carousel that displayed all sorts of bears.

We makan in pizza hut, the last time I makan was in April, my dad birthday.
carnival pizza from japan n italy.

Its my mum birthday, so we got a free pancake with ice cream on it.I scream for ice cream.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Forgive and forget??!!

You told me to forgive and forget.I don't see any difficulties in it.But why can't you forgive her.If you have forgiven her, why you ignore her.Being ignored or unseen is more hurtful than being scold.You have hurted the person deeply yet you acted as if you are a innocent.Don't you feel sorry for her, feelguilty of being so mean to her, and outwardly you say that you have forgive and forget her.Then, why do you ignore her at the first place??There is proverb I have acknowledged for many years.I want to present this proverb to you.Do not be like crab teaching its son how to walk correctly.

a howler

They told me to forget and forgive.I tried but it ended up I am the bad one and they are good.For god sake, I told you my problem, hoping you to console me and cheer me up.The greatest thing you did is you make a big fuss about it, telling everybody my teensy little problem.Didn't I ask you not to tell the others earlier, I told you I am ok already and everything is going to alright.I don't know whether that is consider a warn.I remembered I stated clearly that I don't want to make a big fuss about it.Don't you feel guilty of telling others, ignore my feeling and blurt all my worries.I thought we are suppose to be friends.Friends share secrets, best friends KEEP SECRET.Now, am I the one who is suppose to apologise??Should I thank you for doing this to me.The trip make me realise, a friend like you is unworthy.I am better off without your presence.

This is letter that conveyed anger and disappointment.It didn't mean to create havoc or any offense.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sometimes she gets cranky,
sometimes she gets dizzy,
In the end, she is ok
Is ok defines anything
is sadness another option
Emotion overwhelms her
Led her to pathway
Of darkness
To abyss that never ends

This is the tale of another devastating child.

Patience is virtue

I get up feeling groggy and restless.Maybe this is the feedback from not sleeping in the apartment, the previous night, I barely sleep, when I closed my eyes,eerie image popped up in my mind, I tried to be indifferent about that and pursued with my dreamland, but then, the white noise was dreadfully loud.White noise is the noise which everyone can hear when the place you stayed in is unusually quiet.We won't deal with this situation at home because there is always the flutter of fan to accompany us.But when you are a room in the highland which no air conditioner nor fan, this happens to be extremely disturbing.

Its already 9.00 am, in one more hour I had to meet one friend in front of delta.I had to pass back some storybooks to her.So, I dragged myself out of the bed and get ready.Then, I walked to delta because my family went out for breakfast.I reAched there at 10 sharp.I thought she would come at that time too, but my intuition happened to inaccurate.I waited for fifteen minutes under the scorchingly hot sun, I cursed myself for being such a dumbo of not waiting in other place because the delta's entrance was terribly hot.Sweats drippling profusely and drenched my T shirt. If I knew earlier, haiz..I sms her asking her that when she will be coming, I feel like dying there.She told me she will be there in 5 minutes.I didn't feel so bad after all.I assured myself, its only 5 minutes.But then , I waited for another 15 minutes and then she came.That time, I felt like exploding, anger was not an option anymore.But, when she approached me, she looked so well groomed like she got some outing later.She apologised to me .I guess I just have to forget about it.

I have learned 2 lessons from this incident.First, we must be patient.Besides, we must forgive and forget.


stumble across sister's blog today, I plan to go to to log in my blog, then sister blog popped up on the screen.Curiousity sparked up within me.I have sudden longing to know how her blog looks like, is it equally messy like mine.So I click in to read, after one post, I felt tinge of remorse, maybe I should not intrude her privacy.She didn't even ask me to check out her blog.So I quickly retreat.That night, sister reprimanded me with her cold tone not to read her blog.She said it's her privacy.I regretted not reading all her posts after that.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Taman negara trip.

This are some photos, sim li if u want which picture, just ask me.


This is a confession of an ordinary girl who only wish to live an ordinary life.

She is addicted to food..In another context, she likes to try out new food.Her dream is to pay visit to every new restaurant that she ever laid her eyes on, starting from Bkt Tinggi..After that, she hopes to establish a food ranger group so that all her friends can seek solace from yummy food..Although she don't want to be a chef, she always fantasised herself being a food critic where she can try out every scrumptious mouth watering food.What I am quite sure about is that girl will be me.LOL.

excited, longing, dreaded

Things to bring for tomorrow trip.
1) twisties
4)maggi mee cup
6)chewing gum

tts all for now..Tonight I am goin to check this entry again so that I won't miss anything listed

Don't keep this email to your self, forward it to your friends, so our friends and all people will thank God for food and water that they already have.

This is one more reason why we have to thank God for the food that we can have easily.
But in the otherhand....ironicly, we still waste
the food that we buy
I feel very GRATEFUL for what I have today.......

We are so Blessed for the wonderful works of God's hand in our life today, just think of this ..............

'I felt very fortunate to live in this part of the world. I promise I will never waste my food no matter how bad it can taste and how full I may be. I promise not to waste water. I pray that this little boy be alleviated from his suffering. Think & look at this...when you complain about your food and the food we waste daily...' MAY ALL HUMAN BEINGS BE FREE FROM SUFFERING!!!!
Please don't break this, keep on forwarding it to all our friends. On this good day, let's make a prayer for the suffering in any place around the globe and send this friendly reminder to others.


I got this mail from someone, unfortunately, I can't send it to the others because of some email malfunction.It makes me cry..Some of the pictures might be heart wrenching, so sorry if i ever hurt anyone of u.


madagascar is the funniest movie I ever watched. This is because i seldom watch comedy, other than singapore movies blend with some hokkien humour.This is my 8 or 9th times watcing movie with my family in my entire life, I don't mean to remember all that but i am keen recorder of family happenings.As usual, mum with her loudest cackle. she laughs like Gloria(the hippo)..Her sonorous laughter has always embarassed us, sometimes, I just keep silent.However, sometimes why not laugh along loudly..She reminds me that we must be proud of who we are no matter what others perception toward us.

The Gem of Life

You may wish to be a famous socialite.
You may wish to have fame and fortune.
But is that really what you will wish for at the end?
This is the bried synopsis.
In PAK SIU-YAU (LEE SZE KEE, LOUISE)'s eyes, her three daughters are just as perfect as diamonds. She believes that the greatest blessing for a woman is to marry a wealthy man. To guarantee a better life for her daughters, she has started training the girls since they were young, hoping that they will marry into the richest families when they mature.

YAU's first daughter HONG NGA-YIN (SHIU MEI KI, MAGGIE) does not agree with her on her values. Yet when she sees that the man YIN is going out with is KO CHEUNG-SING (LAM, BOWIE), who is very well-off, she decides to let YIN go with her choice. YAU's second daughter HONG NGA-TUNG (LAI CHI, GIGI) is hopelessly romantic but does not seem to have much luck with men. To make it up to her, YAU seeks to match her up with HO CHIT-NAM (CHAN HO, MOSES), the son of Hong Kong's most powerful business tycoon HO FUNG (YUEH HUA). Being the youngest in the family, HONG NGA-SZ (CHOI SIU FUN, ADA) is well aware of YAU's concerns. Having recovered from divorce, SZ now decides to pin all her hopes on FUNG.

YAU's persistence pays off and her daughters have all found a wealthy husband. But money does not really bring them happiness and the sisters are gradually losing themselves in vanity.
I watched until episode 30 now, bt still got more to download, I wish I have astro on demand like mei xin, she get to watch so many cantonese drama, in my opinion, among all the shows, canto drama never failed to cheer me up, make me burn with anger, make me weep with compassion and the most important, makes the comprehend the value of family, love and affection.

I want to introduce all of u to the coolest site I have been is a site in which we can earn rice using our knowledge in english vocabulary..In the site, we are given the opportunities to answer questions that varied from vocabulary to geography..For every answer that we answer correctly fot that particular subject, 20 grains of rice will be donated through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger.The authenticity of this site has been verified.Therefore we don't need to worry that its another spam fake site.If u all feel bored during the holi, u can try uot this site cause u can help people without spending ur money, u are just contribute your knowledge in order to help end the world crisis.


Books I read during holiday
1) ps, I love you by cecilia ahern
2) The undomestic goddess
3)remember me by sophie kinsella
4)shopaholic and sister
5)Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix
6)Nights in Rhodanthe by Nicholas Spark

Monday, December 1, 2008

Another Way to Die

I know the player
With the slick
Trigger finger
For Her Majesty
Another one
With the
Golden tone voice
And then your fantasy
Another bill
From a killer
Turned a thrill
Into a tragedy

A door left open
A woman walking by
A drop in the water
A look in the eye
A phone on the table
A man on your side
Someone that you think
That you can trust is just
Another way to die

Another tricky little gun
Giving solace to the one
That will never see
The sunshine
Another inch of your life
For your brother
In the nick of time
Another dirty money,
Heaven sent honey
Turning on a dime

A door left open
A woman walking by
A drop in the water
A look in the eye
A phone on the table
A man on your side
Someone that you think
That you can
Trust is just
Another way to die


Another girl
With her finger
On the world singing?
Another gun thrown down
And surrendered
Took away your fear
Another man
That stands right
Behind you
Looking in the mirror

Oh, a door left open
A woman walking by
A drop in the water
A look in the eye
A phone on the table
A man on your side
Someone that you think
That you can trust
Is just another way to die

Don't understand at all, yet the lyrics is catchy, the mv is nice, the piano piece is splendid.


elaine asked me why i didn't update my blog, so now maybe i can update about what has been happening around me lately..last sunday, I went back to kampong to celebrate my grandma's 91 birthday..she is almost a century old..our kampong is sekinchan, it's my mum village actually, usually, for the past years, we will celebrate grandma birthday with my other relatives. My grandma is actually greatgreat grandma to 8 babies now, impressive rite??My cousin is older than my mother which also indicate that my cousin is already 50 over, then the babies army have to called me and my siblings grand aunt or grand uncle..our ranking in the family tree is indeed high..Balik kampong is something that I am excited n gets gaga about, usually we went back, we will head to the kuala selangor to have our seafood feast there. But, today is different, we brought grandma out for lunch, we brought her to my another cousin kopitiam.Grandma dun really have the opportunity to eat out because she has trouble walking, usually her maid usiah will hold on to her and grasp her tightly so that she won't topple over.Honestly, grandma has this pear body shape, her waist is enormous but she has small legs.We brought her to makan fish head n bah kut teh, which is her favourite, unlike other senior citizen, she loves meats, A LOT!!However, after years of so called observations, grandma can live for so long because, she sleep early every night, around 9 something n wake up early too.After she wake up, she will move with some buddhist incantations repetitively.When she is eating, she tends to bite her food non stop until the food becomes crushed and soft and then she swallowed her food..Among all her routines, I only practice eating slowly and indulgently..But then, it's not like I want to live longer.That day, grandma looks so happy and radiant,although she has faced many obstacles for the past years, especially her failed body functioning, she is still strong.After we makan, we went back to grandma 's house n started playing with the babies.

this is usiah, at the left .

this is hong yue, the eldest and the naughtiest among all, he is going to be in standard 1 next year.His hobby is beating and bullying the other babies.

hong yang, everyone called him yang yang because he is born in the year of goat.Sometimes, I can't fathom his words because he has this this mickey mouse squeaky voice.His speech is usually blur n gibberish.Very naughty too,he is the clone of his brother.

Hong Zhen, my favourite baby, initially, he doesn't like me to hug him or play with him, gradually, he starts to soften n let us play with him, at the end of the day, he will say goodbye to us like we are his closest friends, but then the next time we visit him, he won't recognise any of us at all n start not to bother us again.

Xing Ying, sister og hong zhen..very mischievous girl, like the rest of the siblings, she enjoyed beating people.A little daredevil, she can be sweet and innocent, but when we offend her, she will treat us terribly.No offense, girl.

Xing Ru, the introverted one.She will run away whenever I approach her.She seldom smile,but when she smile, she has this genuine smile.Because she is the quite shy, she is the most pampered among all..Her mum paid extra attention to her.

She looked scared out of her wit..I seldom talk to her, this gal sticks to her mother like magnet. When her mum is not there, she is napping.

my favourite baby girl..She is fragile to me, she looks vulnerable..She looks as if she is going to break into piec es any time if we didn't embrace her gently and compassionately..She rarely speak because maybe she haven't learn her 1st word or she is just too caught up with peering around.Her eyes always dart to all direction, hehe.. But when she stare directly at me, my heart will melt.

Hong Zhen, who I haven't get the chance to take a snap on, is now my new favourite baby..He is the youngest among all.He is so chubby that i just want to pinch his cheek again n again.But then today, when I am holding him, he peed on my pants.It was quite a memorable incident..Maybe, its his way of greeting me.

I still have more babies to introduce but that's all for now, I am getting sick of babies, lol..chaoz.