Saturday, September 27, 2008

ha ve a bad day

some people asked me why i can be so happy go lucky and smiley in school most of the time(nt I boast around, she really did), bt actually I am not really that happy with my life..I cried when one of my friend did something bad to me, I felt really offended when some people throw sarcastic remark to me.I cried when a teacher said that she wanted to bring me to the klang river and push me down from there(to my fellow close friends, U all know who is she) Then, I shed my tears again when I told about that embarassing yet provocative moment to my parents which they put the blame on me(kinda), still love them cz they dun get my words), then I cried when I realise that all these thing are just a small unneccessary distraction..the regrets strucked me and immediately I broke down again mourning about the thing I shouldn't worry about..Today is not, me and my family went to mid valley megamall..It starts like that, my dad miss the route to go to mid valley parking area, then there are many roads to other and my bro did a terrible mistake by telling dad to follow the seremban signboard way..from there, we r moving forward without any u turn..we all panicked and dad started to lose his nerve.I also cause its like this emotion cant help burning in my mind, I reprimanded dad of why he can actually forget the route to parking area, we have go all the way 30 minutes before returning back to the original place, fortunately, when we reached there, we straightaway get to park our car eventhough that place was congested with cars which drivers desperately need to park.Then , we window shop there 4 a few hours, I make a terrible mistake by wearing high heels.It just didn't occured to me that it wil that painful, then , we have walk alot to find my mum n sister actually in padini bt gave us wrong information saying that they r in metrojaya.Then , after that I cried cz i fought with my sis about some other thing, she just can pretend nothng happen..and i cried i cried i cried..

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