Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Sick for a few days, haiz...

I went to swimming lesson on tuesday.Me and another girl, Sim Yi and her cousin, Lucas had finished learning all the swimming styles.We were free to practise any style that we like at the pool.All of us like diving so much.Diving is like the coolest swimming style that I ever learned.We have to thrust our whole body to the bottom of the pool and swim right on the pool's floor.There were many new studensts there so me and Sim yi were tempted to show off.After 1 and a half hour, we were all damn tired but we still had to swim till 2 hours.Suddenly, I gulped down some water filled with chlorine and bacteria.Grrr, i didn't really care about it actually but the next day, i started to have flu and then coughs.My throat was so itchy that coughing was the best way to alleviate the itchiness.Two days after that, I didn't come to school because I couldn't sleep well for the previous night.Mum said that I was rolling and turning on the bed and waking up non stop.Then, I was tired and sleepy for the whole day.Grrr, I hate all these sicknesses.Hui jan is currently to sick to even go online.

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